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Steve Albini dead at 61

Steve Albini was an influential figure in the alternative punk rock music scene since the 1980s. He was best known as a purist recording engineer (not producer), uncompromising musician, fierce band advocate, unwavering voice of independent music, champion poker player and withering critic.

Photo of Steve Albini in trademark overalls and beanie

On May 7th, 2024 he suffered a fatal heart attack doing what I presumed he loved. Working hard in his studio Electrical Audio to capture the most authentic performance from a band as efficiently as possible. He appeared to be a generous, ethical, and uncompromising practitioner who willingly shared knowledge from hard-won experience.

A lot has been written about him, particularly over past couple of days and he's certainly said a lot himself over the decades. Including what is a manifesto outlining his philosophy for engaging with the wider music ecosystem, titled "The Problem with Music" from 1993.

Here's a selection of other articles, artefacts, and personal perspectives:

Finally, here he is in his final band Shellac practicing in 2010. His intensity is evident and it's clear this trio have played together a long time.

RIP Steve Albini.